Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Seems like forever..

It has been forever since I've blogged.  And although I don't know if anyone reads any of my posts, it's still a great way to just thoughts out or memories somewhere as I don't journal like I used to/should/need.

Well several things have changed in my life that I guess I could share...

1) My divorce was final February 7 which was also 5 years since my Grandpa Dillow had passed away.  (April 9 was 5 years since my Grandma Dillow passed as well).

2) I let go of the gospel and everything I was working towards.

3) My best friend got married on 3/16... 3 days after what would have been my 3rd anniversary.  Needless to say, I tried to kill a lot of brain cells that weekend without even realizing what was happening.

4) I finally woke up to reality and what was important!!

5) I gave up alcohol about 5 weeks ago.

6) I sank and came out of depression.

7) I moved back into my townhouse, and have realized that I am VERY poor.  A second job is something I'm starting to look into or just really giving up food and life.

8) Giselle is coming up very soon, and it's going well!  I'm realizing how out of shape I still am.  :-/

9) I lost and gained weight, and it makes me NOT happy!

10) I started to date my ex-husband.

My brain is constantly going, and just trying to figure out life.  So many decisions to make and so many things to figure out.  I just don't know what to do in a lot of situations, and it just seems like I can't wrap my head around any of it.  Oh how I hope and pray some answers come quick!!!