Monday, June 11, 2012


I went to church on Sunday, and it was good.  My mother-in-law needed me to conduct the music in Sacrament, and although I thought I was going to be so late... I made it.  :)  My cousin got married the night before, and it was amazing!  Just got home a little late, or early.

But back to church... it was really good to be there.  I should probably go a little more.  No, I don't like having to get up early every day of the week, but it's where I should be.  I even got to hold a cute little baby!  Hopefully soon I will be looking forward to my own cute little baby...  that's another story/thought.

It's still hard going and leaving alone, but I need to get my butt there and back to where I used to be.  December will be here before I know it, and there are big things that I am working towards!  YAY!  :)


  1. Glad you are finding happiness at church!

    1. Thanks! It hasn't been easy, but I know it's the right there and where I need to be. Heard you were there to hear Katie... wish we could have chatted a bit. It's been awhile!!
