Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bucket List

It's been awhile since I've blogged, and not a whole lot has happened out of the normal... work, taking care of my animals, celebrating my 2nd anniversary.  Yea, not too much out of the norm.  :)

Brandon and I had a wonderful anniversary.  It was great to get away, and it was nice to have a whole week off from work.  I probably should have gotten more done, but sleep was nice!  It was nice to not have an alarm set, and to just move at my own pace for a few days.  I spent time with my family, and enjoyed this amazing weather we have been having!

In regards to my bucket list, there is one item that I'm not 100% sure if it's one I'll ever reach, but one that I just kind of wanted to do even more after our trip.  We took a tour of the Cowboy Stadium, and it's AMAZING!!  I was so impressed by everything in the stadium.  I would love to dance in that stadium!  I would love to be in the middle of all the excitement.  And the cool thing is, there is no age limit and the girls range from 18-36, and several have had families.

What do you think?!  Would it be crazy for me to get in shape and ready to try out for the DCC -- Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders?!